Wednesday, December 7, 2011


        For the Chickasaw tribe there were four beloved things: the clouds, the sun, the clear sky, and "he who lives above the clear sky."  "He who lives above the clear sky" was believed to be called Aba Binilli.  It was said he lived above the clouds and on earth with the "unpolluted people."  He is the creator of warmth, life, all of animal life, and vegetable life.  Lightning and Thunder were called Hilohah (Hilohah-ligthning) and its rumbling noise Rowah.  When it rained, thundered, and strong winds blew for a long time, the beloved and holy people were thought to be at war above the clouds.  Many Chickasaw people would take out there guns and and point them at the sky to show that the warriors were not afraid to die so they could aid the holy people.  Fire was very much respected by the Chickasaw tribe.  Trees were deadened and were later used to keep their annual holy fire burning.  It was unlawful and considered the work of evil spirits to extinguish even the cooking fire with water.

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